Alcohol Motives & Excuses

We conduct survey research to assess individual differences on several dimensions assumed to be related to drinking behavior. This type of cross-sectional works allows us to evaluate relationships between personality, environment, and social factors, which may relate to alcohol outcomes under a theoretical framework. By understanding these relationships, we can identify key mechanisms which should be targeted in experimental models. Our current survey assesses motives for drinking, negative affect, excusing behavior with alcohol, impulsivity and more. Several measurements have been written by our students and will be validated in Mplus and SAS including: Anger and Hostile Impulsivity, Alcohol Freedoms Evaluation, and Children of Alcoholics Questionnaire. 


Current projects

SAIL Lab, Social Addictions Impulse Lab, Dr. Patock, Julie Patock-Peckham, Dr. J.A. Patock, JA Patock-Peckham, Arizona State University, ASU, ASU Tempe, Research Lab, at ASU, alcohol, addictions, marijuana, study, Tempe Campus, SONA, psychology, psych major, asu psychology research lab SAIL studies, alcohol and addictions research lab, social health, clinical psychology, clinical experience, get paid to drink, alcohol administration lab, we're not BARCA, undergraduate research experience, RSoA, Research Society on Alcoholism conference experience,,, socialaddictionsimpulselab

Social Addictions Impulse Lab

Contextual and Interpersonal Influences on Impaired Control Over Drinking

We are using an ad-libitum drinking paradigm to test moderators and mediators of a social stressor to influence impaired control over drinking. Some mechanisms of interest include emotional and non-emotional cognition, impulsivity, and stress hormones. Further, another goal of this study is to determine the importance of trait (e.g. consistent) and state (e.g. in the moment) individual differences in relation to drinking behavior. We conduct experimental alcohol administration runs in a simulated bar on ASU Tempe campus. A combination of surveys, behavioral, and cognitive tasks allow us to assess individual differences on our mechanisms of interest. Impaired control over drinking is one of the earliest symptoms identified by those with alcohol use disorder (AUD). This research will inform prevention and intervention techniques of how to target impaired control as an early risk factor of AUD.

poster presentations

Student authors in bold

Graduate authors are italicized

recent publications

Student authors in bold​

Graduate authors are italicized

Muniz, F.B., Kalina, A., Patock-Peckham, J.A., Berberian, S., Fulop, B., Williams, J., & Leeman, R.F. (2024).  A test of the Self-Medication Hypothesis

           using a latentmeasurement model: Are stress and impaired control over alcohol mediating mechanisms of parenting styles on heavy episodic

           drinking and alcohol-related-problems among university students? Special Issue: Stress and Drinking,  Behavioral Sciences, 14, 384-400.

Bitsoih, J., Patock-Peckham, J.A., Canning, J.R., Ong, A., Becerra, A., & Brussard, M. (2023).  Do coping motives and perceived impaired control

           mediate the indirect links from childhood trauma facets to alcohol-related problems?  Special Issue: Stress and Drinking, Behavioral Sciences,

           13(3): 197.

Kalina, E., Boyd-Frenkel, K., Patock-Peckham, J.A., Schneidewent, L., Broussard, M., & Leeman, R.F. (2023).  Does relationship-contingent self-

           esteem play a role in the stress to impaired control pathway to alcohol-related problems in a college student sample?  Special Issue: Stress

           and Drinking, Behavioral Sciences, 13, 185.

Patock-Peckham, J.A., et al. (2023).  Impaired control over drinking predicts changes in alcohol-related consequences over and above alcohol use and

           facets of impulsivity.  (3 wave-longitudinal work).  Addictive Behaviors, 137, 107534.

Patock-Peckham, J.A., et al., (2022).  Effects of stress, alcohol prime dose, and sex on ad libitum drinking.  Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 36(7),


Noudali, S.N., Patock-Peckham, J.A., Berberian, S., Belton, D., Campbell, L.E., & Infurna, F. (2022).  Do problems with sleep & insomnia

            mediate the link between childhood trauma and impaired control over drinking, alcohol use, and related problems? 

            Addictive Behavior Reports, 15, 100402.

Patock-Peckham, J.A., Belton, D.A., D'Ardenne, K., Tein, J-Y., Bauman, D.C., Infurna, F.J., Sanabria, F., Curtis, J., Morgan-Lopez, A., & McClure,

           S.M. (2020).  Dimensions of childhood trauma and their direct and indirect links to PTSD, impaired control over drinking, and alcohol-related

           problems.  Addictive Behaviors Reports, 12, 100304, 1-10. 

Canning, J.R., Patock-Peckham, J.A., Walters, K.J, Bauman, D.C, & Leeman, R.F. (2020). Perfectionism discrepancy and falling short of the ideal

             self: Investigating drinking motives and impaired control on the road to alcohol-related problems, 159, 109909.    

Patock-Peckham, J.A., Ebbert, A.M., Woo, J., Finch, H., Broussard, M.L., Ulloa, E., & Filson Moses, J. (2020).  Winning at all costs:  The etiology of

             hypercompetitiveness through the indirect influences of parental bonds on anger and verbal/physical aggression.  Personality and

             Individual Differences, 154, 109711. 

Frohe, T., Leeman, R.F., Cheong, J., Belton, D.A., & Patock-Peckham, J.A. (2020).  Novel associations among trauma, mindfulness, and impaired

              control over alcohol use, Mindfulness, 11, 606-614,

Morgan-Lopez, A.A., Saavedra, L.M., Hien, D., Killeen, T.K., Back, S.E., Ruglass, L.M., Fitzpatrick, S., Lopez-Castro, T., & Patock-Peckham, J.A.,

            (2020).  Estimation of equable scale scores and treatment outcomes from patient-and clinican-reported PTSD measures using Item

            Response Theory Calibration.   Psychological Assessment, 32(4), 321- 335.  doi:

Patock-Peckham, J.A. & Corbin, W.R. (2019).  Perfectionism and self-medication as mediators of the links between parenting styles and drinking

            outcomes.  Addictive Behaviors Reports, 10, 100218. 

Naidu, E. S., Patock-Peckham, J. A., Ruof, A., Bauman, D. C., Banovich, P., Frohe, T., & Leeman, R. F. (2019). Narcissism and devaluing others: an

            exploration of impaired control over drinking as a mediating mechanism of alcohol-related problems. Personality and individual

            differences, 139, 39-45.

Patock-Peckham, J. A., Walters, K. J., Mehok, L. E., Leeman, R. F., Ruof, A. K., & Filson Moses, J. (2019). The direct and indirect influences of

           parenting: the facets of time-perspective and impaired control along the alcohol-related problems pathway. Substance use & misuse, 1-11.

Ebbert, A.M., Patock-Peckham, J.A., Luk, J.W., Voorhies, K., Warner, O., & Leeman, R.F. (2018).  The mediating role of anxiety sensitivity in

           uncontrolled drinking:  A look at gender-specific parental influences.  Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 42(5), 914-925.

Morean, M., DeMartini, K.S., Foster, D., Patock-Peckham, J.A., Garrison, K.A., Corlett, P.R., Krystal, J.H., Krishan-Sarin, S., & O’Malley, S. (2018).                 The Self-Report Habit Index:  Assessing habitual marijuana, alcohol, e-cigarette, and cigarette use.   Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 186,207-


Ebbert, A.M., Patock-Peckham, J.A., Luk, J.W., Voorhies, K., Warner, O., & Leeman, R.F. (2018).  The mediating role of anxiety sensitivity in                   uncontrolled drinking:  A look at gender-specific parental influences.   Alcoholism:  Clinical and Experimental Research, 42(5), 914-925.   

Morean, M., DeMartini, K.S., Foster, D., Patock-Peckham, J.A., Garrison, K.A., Corlett, P.R., Krystal, J.H., Krishan-Sarin, S., & O’Malley, S. (2018).                 The Self-Report Habit Index:  Assessing habitual marijuana, alcohol, e-cigarette, and cigarette use.   Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 186,                  207-214.

Patock-Peckham, J.A., Canning, J.R., & Leeman, R.F. (2018).  Shame is bad and guilt is good:  An examination of the impaired control over                       drinking pathway to alcohol use and related problems.  Personality and Individual Differences, 121, 62-66.

Frohe, T., Leeman, R.F., Patock-Peckham, J.A., Ecker, A., Kraus, S., & Foster, D. (2018).  Correlates of cannabis vape-pen use and knowledge among            U.S. college students.  Addictive Behaviors Reports, 7, 32-39.  

Luk, J.W., Patock-Peckham, J.A., Medina, M., Terrell, N., Belton, D., & King, K.M. (2016). Bullying perpetration and victimization as externalizing             and internalizing pathways:  Linking parenting styles and self-esteem to depression, alcohol use, and alcohol-related problems.  Substance               Use and Misuse, 51(1), 113-125.  

Luk, J.W., Patock-Peckham, J.A., King, K.M. (2015).  Are dimensions of parenting differentially linked to substance use across Caucasian and Asian               American college students.  Substance Use and Misuse, 50(1), 1360-1369.  DOI:  10.3109/10826084.2015.1013134.
           To link to this article:

Hartman, J.D., Patock-Peckham, J.A., Corbin, W.R., Gates, J.R.,Leeman, R.F., Luk, J.W., & King, K.M. (2015).  Direct and indirect links between

           parenting styles, self-concealment (secrets), impaired control over drinking and alcohol-related outcomes.  Addictive Behaviors, 40, 102-108.

Leeman, R.F., Patock-Peckham, J.A., Hoff, R.A., Krisnan-Sarin, S., Steinberg, M.A., Rugle, L.J., & Potenza, M.N. (2014).  Perceived parental                          permissiveness toward gambling and risky behaviors in adolescents.  Journal of Behavioral Addictions, DOI: 10.1556/JBA.3.2014.012.

King, K.M., J.A. Patock-Peckham, Dager, A.D., Thimm, K., & Gates, J.R. (2014).  On the mis-measurement of impulsivity:  trait, behavioral, and                neural models in alcohol research among adolescents and young adults.  Current Addiction Reports, 1(1), 19-32.

           DOI: 10.1007/s40429-013-0005.
Leeman, R.F., Hoff, R.A., Krishnan-Sarin, S., Patock-Peckham, J.A., & Potenza, M.N. (2014). Impulsivity, sensation seeking and part-time job status              in relation to substance use and gambling in adolescents.  Journal of Adolescent Health, 54(4), 460-466. DOI:                                                        10.1016/j.jadohealth.2013.09.014.

Leeman, R.F., Beseler, C.L., Helms, C.M., Patock-Peckham, J.A., Wakeling, V.A., & Kahler, C. W. (2014).  A brief, critical review of research on                      impaired control over alcohol use and suggestions for future studies.  Alcoholism:  Clinical and Experimental Research, 38(2), 301-308.  DOI:            10.1111/acer.12269. 

Luk, J.W., Emery, R.L., Karyadi, K.A., Patock-Peckham, J.A., & King, K.M. (2013). Religiosity and substance use among Asian American college                students:  Moderated effects of race and acculturation.   Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 130, 142-149.

Backer-Fulghum, L.M., Patock-Peckham, J.A., King, K.M., Roufa, L., & Hagen, L. (2012).  The stress dampening hypothesis:  How self-esteem                and stress act as a mechanism between negative parental bonds and alcohol-related problems in emerging adulthood.  Addictive Behaviors,              37(4), 477-484.

Leeman, R.F., Patock-Peckham, J.A., & Potenza, M.N. (2012).  Impaired Control over alcohol use:  An Under-Addressed Risk Factor for Problem                    Drinking in Young Adults? Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 20(2), 92-106. DOI: 10.1037/a0026463. 

King, K.M., Karyadi, K.A., Luk, J.W., & Patock-Peckham, J.A. (May 9, 2011).  Dispositions to rash action moderate the associations between                      concurrent drinking, depressive symptoms and alcohol problems during emerging adulthood.  Psychology of Addictive Behaviors.  DOI:                      10.1037/a0023777

Patock-Peckham, J.A., King, K.M., Morgan-Lopez, A.A., Ulloa, E.C. & Filson Moses, J.M. (2011).  The gender specific mediational links between                  parenting styles, parental monitoring, impulsiveness, drinking control, and alcohol-related problems.  Journal of Studies on Alcohol and                      Drugs, 72, 247-258.   (JSAD issued a press release on this article)


Canning, J. R., Muniz, F. B., Ruof, A. K., Patock-Peckham, J. A., & Corbin, W. R. (2019, June). CONFIRMATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS OF THE OBSERVED CHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS MEASURE FOR MOTHERS AND FATHERS. Poster was presented at Research Society on Alcoholism, Minneapolis, MN.

Patock-Peckham, J.A., Bauman, D.C., Waddell, J.T., Corbin, W.R. (June, 2019) IMPAIRED CONTROL OVER DRINKING PREDICTS CHANGES IN ALCOHOL-RELATED CONSEQUENCES OVER AND ABOVE ALCOHOL USE AND FACETS OF IMPULSIVITY. Poster was presented at Research Society on Alcoholism, Minneapolis, MN.

Bauman, D.C.; Cruz, A.; Boyd-Frenkel, K.; Patock-Peckham J.A. (June, 2019). DO ANGRY AND HOSTILE IMPULSIVENESS PREDICT COPING MOTIVES OVER AND ABOVE NEGATIVE URGENCY IN THE COPING MOTIVES PATHWAY TO ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS?  Poster was presented at Research Society on Alcoholism, Minneapolis, MN.

Bobel, E., Belton, D. A., Bauman, D. C., Curtis, J., Broussard, M., & Patock-Peckham, J. A. (June, 2019). THE EXPLORATION OF DEPRESSION AS A MEDIATING MECHANISM BETWEEN TRAUMA AND ALCOHOL PROBLEMS. Poster was presented at Research Society on Alcoholism, Minneapolis, MN.​

Broussard, M.L.; Ebbert, A.M.; Patock-Peckham, J.A.; Infurna, F.; Canning, J.R.; Ruof A.; White M.; Noudali, S. (June, 2019). A CONFIRMATORY FACTOR ANALYSIS BASED ON A MODEL OF ALCOHOL USE: THE DEVELOPMENT OF A PARENTAL PERMISSIVENESS TOWARDS MARIJUANA USE SCALE. Poster was presented at Research Society on Alcoholism, Minneapolis, MN.

Madrid, G.H.; Coulson, A.R.; Bauman, D.C.; Broussard, M.L.; Campbell, L.S.; Araza, H.; Sanyal, A.; Hicks, J.; Patock-Peckham, J.A. (June, 2019). THE SELF-MEDICATION HYPOTHESIS: EXPLORING DIRECT AND INDIRECT LINKS FROM CHILDHOOD TRAUMA TO COPING MOTIVES, IMPAIRED CONTROL, ALCOHOL USE, AND RELATED PROBLEMS. Poster was presented at Research Society on Alcoholism, Minneapolis, MN.

Bauman, D.; Patock-Peckham, J.A.; Canning, J.R.; Ruof, A.; Corbin, W.R. (June, 2019). CONFIRMATORY FACTOR STRUCTURE AND VALIDITY OF ANGRY & HOSTILE IMPULSIVENESS: IS IT A UNIQUE PREDICTOR OF ALCOHOL RELATED OUTCOMES. Poster was presented at Research Society on Alcoholism, Minneapolis, MN.

Muniz, F. B.; Cruz, A.; Canning, J.C.; Smyth, H.; Bauman, D.C.; Patock-Peckham, J.A. (June, 2019). INVESTIGATING IMPAIRED CONTROL OVER DRINKING AS A LATENT MEDIATOR OF DRINKING MOTIVES AND ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS ACROSS GENDER. Poster was presented at Research Society on Alcoholism, Minneapolis, MN.


Belton, D.A., Patock-Peckham, J.A., Glass, S., Curtis, J., Evans, C. Beirow, J., Arriaga, A., Foster, D., & Leeman, R.F. (June, 2018). Do problems with sleep mediate the link between childhood trauma and impaired control over drinking, alcohol use, and related problems? Poster was presented at Research Society on Alcoholism, San Diego, CA.

Ebbert, A.M., Patock-Peckham, J.A., Ruof, A., White, M., Broussard, M. (June, 2018). Can a model of parent specific socialization towards alcohol use be used to develop a measure of parental permissiveness to marijuana use? Poster was presented at Research Society on Alcoholism, San Diego, CA.

Canning, J.R., Ruof, A., Muniz, F., Patock-Peckham, J.A. (June, 2018). The new observed children of alcoholics measure for mothers and fathers. Poster was presented at Research Society on Alcoholism, San Diego, CA.

Patock-Peckham, J.A., Mehok, L., Warner, O., Bauman, D., Corbin, W.R., King, K.M. (June, 2018). Affect laden verses affect free impulsiveness in a model of reasons for drinking: Is negative urgency really two factors psychometrically? Poster was presented at Research Society on Alcoholism, San Diego, CA.

Voorhies, K., Muniz, F., Ebbert, A.M., Campbell, L., Zheng, Y., McCulloch, R., Patock-Peckham, J.A. (June, 2018). Multiple regression analysis versus tree analysis: An exploration of anxiety sensitivity, impaired control, & parental permissiveness on alcohol-related problems. Poster was presented at Research Society on Alcoholism, San Diego, CA.

Patock-Peckham, J.A., Corbin, W.R., Canning J.R., Ruof, A., Leeman, R.F., Kahler, C. (June, 2018). An exploratory factor analysis and validation study of contextual impaired control: Does context matter when it comes to impaired control over drinking? Poster was presented at Research Society on Alcoholism, San Diego, CA.

Bauman, D., Patock-Peckham, J.A., Ruof, A., Canning, J.R., Finch, H., Poniatowski, T., Corbin, W.R. (June, 2018). A study exploring the factor structure and validity of angry & hostile impulsiveness: Is it a unique predictor of alcohol-related problems? Poster was presented at Research Society on Alcoholism, San Diego, CA.

Drzewiecki, K.C., Patock-Peckham, J.A., Curtis, J., Madrid, G., Bauman, D., Aviles, N., Corbin, W.R. (June, 2018). Can we learn new things about state impulsive choice and drinking by using a modified balloon analogue risk task - BART? Poster was presented at Research Society on Alcoholism, San Diego, CA.


Patock-Peckham, J.A., Corbin, W.R., Warner, O., Belton, D.A., Jackson, K.J., & Brazones, K. (June, 2017). A true test of the acquired preparedness model:  Does personality inform expectancies along the impaired control pathway to alcohol problems. [Special Issue] Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, ​41, 77A.

Patock-Peckham, J.A., Muniz, F., Parde, M., Voorhies, K., Avalar, R., Evans, C., & Dergal, S. (June, 2017). Not living up to your family’s expectations:  The role of facets of family perfectionism on the impaired control to alcohol-related problems pathway. [Special Issue] Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, ​41, 79A.

Messinger, K., Patock-Peckham, J.A., Belton, D.A., Tewksbury, R., Ganon, D., & Categena, D. (June, 2017). Childhood trauma and impaired control over drinking:  The mediating role of self-blame on alcohol use and alcohol-related problems. [Special Issue] Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, ​41, 154A.

Ruof, A., Patock-Peckham, J.A., Naidu, E., Branovich, P., Sanchez, G. & Muniz, F. (June, 2017).  What facets of narcissism play a role in drinking outcomes? [Special Issue] Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, ​41, 235A.

Belton, D.A., Patock-Peckham, J.A., Drzewiecki, K. C. , Johnson, K., & Canning, J.R. (June, 2017).  PTSD and impaired control as mediators of the trauma to alcohol use and problems pathway:  The story of emotional and sexual abuse. [Special Issue] Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, ​41, 155A.

Canning, J.R., Patock-Peckham, J.A., Abrams, S., Ruof, A., Cave, A., Muniz, F. (June, 2017).  What is the role of drinking motives in the impaired control over drinking pathway to alcohol use and alcohol-related problems? [Special Issue] Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, ​41, 79A.


Bradfield, A.R., Canning, J.R., Krivickas, W., Belton, D.A., Muniz, F.B., Abrams, S., Patock-Peckham, J.A. (June, 2016). Catastrophizing,                  Self-Blame, and Blaming Other: The Role of Emotional Regulation on Impaired Control in the Alcohol-Related Problems Pathway. [Special                  Issue] Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 40, 52A.

Canning, J.R., Newman, B.B, Ruof, A., Belton, D.A., Walters, K.J., Muniz, F.B., Patock-Peckham, J.A. (June, 2016). Shame is bad and guilt is            good: Mediators of perfectionism dimensions on the alcohol use and alcohol-related problems pathway. [Special Issue] Alcoholism: Clinical               and Experimental Research, 40, 53A.

Muniz, F.B., Bradfield, A.R., Belton, D.A., Canning, J.R., Dergal, S., Esquer, A.M., Patock-Peckham, J.A. (June, 2016). The indirect influences            of authoritative parenting on alcohol problems through the mediating mechanisms of stress and impaired control over drinking. [Special                    Issue] Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 40, 107A.

Walters, K.J., Bradfield, A.R., Canning, J.R., Belton, D.A., Sutton, J., Tewksbury, R., Patock-Peckham, J.A. (June, 2016). Do self-                          concealment and impaired control mediate the indirect relationships between perfectionism dimensions and alcohol use and related                          problems? [Special Issue] Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 40, 108A.

Belton, D.A., Drzewiecki, K. C. , Johnson, K.E., Cirivello, N., Walters, K.J., Medina, M.C., Patock-Peckham, J.A. (June, 2016). Are self-                    concealment and stress mediators of the childhood trauma to heavy episodic drinking and alcohol-related problems pathways? [Special                    Issue] Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 40, ​165A.


Evans, P.T., Patock-Peckham, J.A., White, H., Medina, M.C., Bradfield, A.R., Warner, O.M., Jackson, K.K., Krivickas, W., Sinchuk, N.,                   Leeman, R.F. (June, 2015). Starting the party early: Exploring the dimensions of pre-gaming on impaired control, heavy episodic drinking,                 and alcohol-related problems. [Special Issue] Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 39, 36A.

Patock-Peckham, J.A., Walters, K.J., Bradfield, A.R., Medina, M.C., Mehok, L., Leeman, R.F. (June, 2015). Trying to be perfect and self-                      medicate with alcohol: An exploration of drinking motives, impaired control, alcohol use and problems. [Special Issue] Alcoholism: Clinical                and Experimental Research, 39, 40A.

Walters, K.J., Patock-Peckham, J.A., Filson Moses, J., Woo, J., Yang, H., Leeman, R.F. (June, 2015). The direct and indirect influences of                      parenting, the facets of time perspective and impaired control along the alcohol-related problems pathway. [Special Issue] Alcoholism:                    Clinical and Experimental Research, 39, 40A.

Medina, M.C., Patock-Peckham, J.A., Bradfield, A.R., Warner, O.M. Jackson, K.K., Hervig, T., Belton, D., Evans, P.T., White, H., Walters,             K.J. (June, 2015). Facets of impulsivity and impaired control as mediators of dimensions of childhood abuse on alcohol use and alcohol-                   related problems. [Special Issue] Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 39, 153A.

Bradfield, A.R., Patock-Peckham, J.A., Medina, M.C., Warner, O.M., Ebbert, A., Leeman, R.F. (June, 2015). What roles do parenting styles play            on relationship contingent self-esteem, stress, & impaired control along the alcohol-related problems pathway? [Special Issue] Alcoholism:                Clinical and Experimental Research, 39, 154A.

Patock-Peckham, J.A., Warner, O.M., Mehok, L., Evans, P.T., Brazones, K., Walters, K.J., Leeman, R.F. (June, 2015). The gender specific                    role of anxiety sensitivity among men as a mediator of permissive fathering on impaired control over drinking. [Special Issue] Alcoholism:               Clinical and Experimental Research, 39, 154A.

Warner, O.M., Jackson, K.K., Patock-Peckham, J.A., Walters, K.J., Mehok, L., Moses, J.F. (June, 2015). What role does time perspective play              in internalizing pathways such as stress and depression along the road to alcohol-related problems? [Special Issue] Alcoholism: Clinical and              Experimental Research, 39, ​154A.