Olivia Warner, B.A.

Ashley Ebbert, MA, is a 3rd year doctoral student in the clinical psychology program at ASU, mentored by Dr. Frank Infurna, and a current Resident Therapist at ASU's Clinical Psychology Center, working predominantly with adolescents struggling with anxiety and depression, but also with young adults with a wide range mental health issues. Ashley has had the opportunity to be a part of the SAIL lab, working together with Dr. Julie Patock-Peckham on studies that examined the influence of parenting styles on the link between internalizing and externalizing behaviors among young adult populations. She conducted a study examining the role of parenting styles on the development of anxiety sensitivity and the use of alcohol to cope with stress, finding gender-specific parental influences on uncontrolled drinking behaviors through the mediating role of anxiety sensitivity and first-authored a manuscript expanding upon these findings published in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (ACER). Ashley's experiences in the lab have helped her establish her current research interests on tracking the course of internalizing disorders across major developmental transitions from adolescence through young adulthood and how this course may be differentiated by gender.

Amanda Arnold graduated from ASU in 2018 with a B.S. in Psychology and a B.S. in Family and Human Development. During her undergraduate career, she volunteered with SAIL as a Research Assistant where she conducted cognitive assessments of research participants, assisted with recruitment of participants, and trained and supervised new lab members. She currently works as a Behavioral Health Technician at a Phoenix-based behavioral health agency, and is pursuing a Master's degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from ASU. Her future research interests include play therapy, counseling survivors of trauma, and the experiences of counselors-in-training.

Alejandra Molina, B.A.

Esha Naidu, B.S.

Andrew Zavala, B.S.

Ariana Ruof, B.S.


SAIL Lab, Social Addictions Impulse Lab, Dr. Patock, Julie Patock-Peckham, Dr. J.A. Patock, JA Patock-Peckham, Arizona State University, ASU, ASU Tempe, Research Lab, at ASU, alcohol, addictions, marijuana, study, Tempe Campus, SONA, psychology, psych major, asu psychology research lab SAIL studies, alcohol and addictions research lab, social health, clinical psychology, clinical experience, get paid to drink, alcohol administration lab, we're not BARCA, undergraduate research experience, RSoA, Research Society on Alcoholism conference experience, http://socialaddictionsimpulselab.org, socialaddictionsimpulselab.org, socialaddictionsimpulselab

Alumni: Ariana Ruof - Jessica Canning - Esha Naidu - Felix Muniz - Jeffrey Beirow - Andrew Zavala - Kirsten Voorhies - Walter Venerable - Alejandra Molina - Regan Tewksbury - Ashley Ebbert - Olivia Warner - Lauren Mehok - Kyle Walters - Mia Medina - Nathan Terrell - Arielle Ganon - Jasmine Sutton

Andrew Zavala graduated from ASU with a BS in Psychology, and is currently attending the University of Oregon as a doctoral student in their Cognitive Neuroscience program. He is working with the Perception and Cognition Lab analyzing optical illusions and what they can tell us about the mechanisms of our visual neural pathways. The lab also does work relating these concepts to autism as well as virtual reality technology. Andrew worked in the Social Addictions and Impulse Lab as an RA and received invaluable knowledge about statistical analyses applied to research as well as some of the inner workings of a clinical psychology study. He reports that his work in SAIL helped him become a well-rounded student and budding scientist.

Kyle Walters, B.S.

Nathan Terrell, B.A.

Amanda Arnold, B.S.

Jeff Beirow is an ASU undergraduate alumni and current ASU graduate student! He received his undergraduate degree majoring in psychology and minoring in philosophy. Jeff joined SAIL in the winter of 2017 after taking Dr. Patock’s PSY 330 stats class in the spring of 2016. While being at SAIL, he not only learned an abundance of information pertaining to the research conducted at SAIL, but also about the academic world as a whole. Jeff stated that, "as a mentor, Dr. Patock is genuinely and relentlessly caring about her students and research assistants." Jeff is scheduled to graduate with his master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy at the end of the winter semester of 2019! In the future he would love to research consciousness, how on an individual, group and societal basis we can derive truth and meaning, as well as the best way to establish good communication between each other.

Kara Shannon-Spence is currently a graduate student at ASU pursuing her master's degree in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). She graduated from ASU in 2014 with her bachelor's degrees in Psychology and Family and Human Development. Kara assisted in the Social Addictions Impulse Lab with running participants and data collection. Current research interests include the use of ABA for teaching and strengthening self-regulation strategies with children with developmental disabilities.

Lyndsay Campbell, B.S.

Lauren Mehok graduated from Arizona State University in Fall 2014. During her time as an undergraduate and after her graduation, she worked in the SAIL lab. She now attends Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis’s clinical psychology program where she studies health psychology. Lauren more specifically looks at pain in the following areas: race disparities in pain perception, obesity in chronic pain patients, and exercise recommendations to those in chronic pain from their providers.

Hannah Finch graduated from ASU in 2018 with degrees in Psychology and Marketing. She is now pursuing her doctorate in Industrial Organization Psychology at Colorado State University. She joined the SAIL lab her junior year and was a research assistant for three years. During her time with the lab, she assisted in running participants for sessions and aided Dr. Patock with a manuscript on Hypercompetitiveness and parental influences.

Julia Weiss graduated from ASU with a B.S. in Psychology in 2019. She is now completing a master's degree in biostatistics at Northwestern. Julia was a student in Dr. Patock's PSY 330 statistics class, and soon became a research assistant for SAIL. She attributes her choice to pursue statistics to Dr. Patock's mentorship. In SAIL, students learn to think critically, quantify psychological data, create and evaluate measures of assessment, and collaborate with other researchers. Julia utilizes these skills in her current graduate studies.

Sean Noudali, B.S.

Arielle Ganon, B.A.

Jessica Canning received her B.S. in Psychology at Arizona State University in 2017. Jessica started her research career with Dr. Patock-Peckham as a sophomore and focused on personality influences, such as impulsivity, on alcohol outcomes. With the guidance of Dr. Patock, she was able to present her work at the Research Society on Alcoholism. During her senior year, Jessica became the project manager for the Social Addictions Impulse Lab. She is now studying for her Ph.D. in Adult Clinical Psychology at the University of Washington with Dr. Mary Larimer. Her future research interests include how context and personality traits interact to influence momentary decisions about alcohol use.

Kelly Fitzsimmons graduated from Arizona State with a Bachelors of Science in Psychology. She is currently a masters student in a Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in marriage and family therapy program at Pepperdine University. During her time at ASU she worked as a research assistant in the SAIL lab where she was trained in alcohol self administration and assisted in survey coding. She also spent time as a research assistant in Dr. Dishion’s Relationship Dynamics lab, Dr. Ha’s @heart lab and Dr. Randall’s coping coding project. In these labs Kelly researched adolescent relationships, linguistics, rejection and non verbal and verbal communication among couples. In the future Kelly hopes to work from a psychodynamic and systems perspective with pregnant mothers and patients diagnosed with chronic illnesses.

Lyndsay Campbell is currently a National Science Foundation research fellow in the Cognitive Science (PhD) program within the Department of Psychology at Arizona State University. She works with her mentor Dr. Samuel McClure in the Decision Neuroscience Laboratory (DNL) and remains involved with Dr. Julie Patock-Peckham through SAIL. She joined SAIL as an undergraduate in 2017 due to her curiosity in judgment and decision-making involving substances. She worked on the alcohol administration ad-libitum K01 project as a supervisor and collaborated with both DNL and SAIL for a senior capstone project involving alcohol, impaired control, delay discounting, and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Graduating from ASU in 2019 with a B.S. in Psychological Sciences, Lyndsay’s research interests include fMRI with regions of interest in reward and inhibitory control structures in the brain, intertemporal choice, cooperative and competitive social behavior, and implications of neural bases for value-encoding related to pro-environmental behavior.

Kyle Walters is a graduate student in Clinical Psychology at the University of South Dakota. He obtained his B.A in Philosophy and B.S. in Psychology at Arizona State University in 2013. During his time at ASU, he worked with the Social Health Research Group led by Dr. Patock-Peckham. As part of this lab, he was afforded the great opportunity to present research at the Research Society on Alcoholism. He is currently the advisee of Dr. Jeffrey Simons where his research is focused on substance use, affect, and self-regulation.

Jasmine Sutton received her B.S. in Psychology from ASU in May 2016. As an undergraduate in SAIL, Jasmine was given the opportunity to develop her skills as a leader and a young researcher under the direction of Dr. Patock-Peckham. Jasmine is interested in organizational development and aims to improve the psychological functioning and wellbeing of individuals as they maintain their role in the work environment. She believes this is the first step toward improving organizational performance and efficiency, and strives to implement dynamic strategies that focus on these aspects of wellbeing in the workplace. She is pursuing a Masters in Legal Studies with an emphasis in Human Resources & Employment Law in an effort to tackle organizational development challenges from a legal perspective.

Olivia Warner graduated from ASU in 2015 with degrees in Psychology and Family and Human Development. She began working with Dr. Patock-Peckham as a sophomore, studying factors such as negative urgency and acquired preparedness and their relation to alcohol use. As a research assistant in SAIL, Olivia attended three Research Society on Alcoholism conferences and presented the lab’s work there. Olivia is currently a first year PhD student in the Clinical Psychology program at the University of Missouri - Columbia under the mentorship of Dr. Denis McCarthy. Her research interests include men’s adherence to masculine gender norms and their use of coping motives in the pathway to problematic alcohol use.

Brooke Baldwin is now pursuing her Master's degree in Human Systems Engineering here at ASU. As an undergraduate she received her BS in Psychology working in a variety of research labs. Within the SAIL lab, Brooke specialized in the software program, iMotions. iMotions is a sophisticated software made to accomplish human behavior research with high validity. iMotions integrates a variety of biometric sensors to provide different insights such as facial expression analysis, galvanic skin response and much more. Her future research interests will be driven by iMotions to get a clearer understanding of human behavior.

Kirsten Voorhies, B.S.

Julia Weiss, B.S.

Briana Newman graduated from ASU with a B.S. in Psychology (psychological sciences) in 2016 and went on to graduate from ASU with a M.S. in Applied Behavior Analysis in 2018. During her undergraduate time at ASU she was a valued member of the SAIL lab who assisted in data collection, supervising data collection, and assisted with a poster that was presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism conference in 2016. She currently works at Trumpet Behavioral Health.

Hannah Finch, B.S

Kara Shannon-Spence, B.S.

Walter Venerable, B.S.

Ariana Ruof is currently a graduate student at ASU pursuing a PhD in Family and Human Development. As an undergraduate at ASU in Barrett, The Honors College she received her Bachelor's degrees in Psychology and Family and Human Development. In December of 2017, she was awarded the Dean's Medal in the Department of Psychology. During her time in SAIL, she was lab manager for the K01 grant for alcohol self-administration. Her roles included supervising and training RAs, scheduling RAs and participants, and leading a team of RAs doing research with facial expression analysis technology called iMotions. She has also worked on several manuscripts and abstracts with Dr. Patock, as well as attended and presented at the RSA research conference. In her current graduate program, her research involves collecting data for a research project that is focused on genetics and family processes. Her current research interests are in genetics, child development, and self-regulation.

Alejandra Molina graduated from Arizona State University in May 2016 with a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology. During her affiliation with Arizona State University, Alejandra worked as an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant and volunteered as a Research Assistant for the Social Addictions Impulse Lab where she coded and supervised RAs. After her graduation, she became an official Research Assistant and helped in managing the AS U Live Project for Arizona State University. She is currently completing her Master’s Degree in Global Affairs and Management at the Thunderbird School of Global Management and is scheduled to graduate in May 2019. Over the summer she had the opportunity to work for the Mayor’s Office of Los Angeles in helping the City of LA align its plans and policies to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Walter Venerable received his B.S. in Psychology from Arizona State University. During his time at ASU, he worked as undergraduate research assistant and trained RA’s in the protocol for Dr. Julie Patock-Peckham’s SAIL Lab. Through his initiative and independent work, Walter was able to present research posters at both CUDCP and CPA conferences. His research interests are focused on alcohol’s role in human sexual interactions. Specifically, alcohol’s role in the formation and maintenance of relationships both romantic and platonic. Walter is currently enrolled as a Clinical-Community Ph.D. student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is working with Dr. Catharine Fairbairn in the Alcohol Research Lab.

Lauren Mehok, B.S.

Kirsten Voorhies is currently in a biostatistics master's program at Brown University. She graduated ASU in May 2017 with a Bachelors of Science in Mathematics (Statistics) and Psychology. In SAIL she worked on session one's -- ran subjects, trained other lab members, and then supervised session one's. Kirsten also worked on a paper with Dr. Patock & Ashley Ebbert that was published in 2018 -- "The mediating role of anxiety sensitivity in uncontrolled drinking: A look at gender-specific parental influences." Prior to this, she supervised/coded surveys for SAIL.

Briana Newman, M.S.

Social Addictions Impulse Lab

Sean Noudali graduated from ASU with a Bachelor's of Science in Biological Sciences in 2017. Sean worked on several projects with SAIL, including running Session 1's, Session 2's and as a Session 2 supervisor for the ad-libitum alcohol study under the K01 grant. He also worked as an editor for several future publications and for a recently submitted R01 grant. He is currently a graduate student in the Experimental Psychology PhD program at Washington State University, working with Dr. Benjamin Ladd. His research focuses on the interaction between cannabis use and human health. 

Arielle Ganon obtained her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Arizona State University in May 2017. Her research interests include marginalized groups, coping mechanisms, and stress. During her undergraduate years, she joined Dr. Patock-Peckham’s Social Addictions Impulse Lab where her duties consisted of coding survey data and supervising RA’s. Afterwards, she was given the opportunity to become a volunteer research assistant in Dr. Randall’s Couple’s Coping with Stress lab. Her duties included coding videos of couple’s stress communication concerning cancer and creating infographics about same-sex relationships and mental health. Currently, her goal is to pursue a Master of Social Work degree so that she may better aid those in great need. To reach this goal, she currently volunteers for Saint Vincent de Paul as an interviewer and resource provider for homeless individuals. At the Tempe Library, she volunteers for the College Connect program as a youth mentor, particularly for low-income, first-generation students.

Jeffrey Beirow, B.S.

Mia Medina obtained her B.A. in the Department of Psychology at Arizona State University. During her time as an undergraduate, she was a research assistant in the Social Health Research Group under Dr. Patock-Peckham’s guidance, where she focused on the study of interpersonal violence and abuse. She was also a research assistant on the PEERS (Peers Everyday Emotions and Relationships in School) project under Drs. Carlos Valiente, Nancy Eisenberg, and Tracy Spinrad. Mia is interested pursuing a research/counseling career focusing on romantic relationships and sexual violence.

Brooke Baldwin, B.S.

Jasmine Sutton, B.S.

Ashley Ebbert, M.A.

Kelly Fitzsimmons, B.S.

Nathan Terrell is a master’s student in Family Studies and Human Development at Arizona State University. He obtained his B.A. in the Department of Psychology at Arizona State University. During his time as an undergraduate, he was a lab manager for the Social Health Research Group under Dr. Patock-Peckham’s guidance. Currently, he is Drs. Carlos Valiente and Tracy Spinrad’s student in the Family Studies and Human Development Department. Nathan is interested in emotional regulation, peer and teacher relationships, and academic achievement. Future interests concern parental and peer relationships with a particular interest in bullying within the school setting.

Esha Naidu graduated ASU with a BS in Psychology and is currently a doctoral student in SUNY Buffalo’s Social Psychology program under mentorship of Dr. Shira Gabriel. During her time in SAIL, she assisted with several projects and created a manuscript on the relationship between facets of narcissism and impaired control over drinking. Dr. Julie Patock-Peckham also provided her the opportunity to present her research at the Research Society on Alcoholism Conference in 2017. Esha’s current research involves how individuals in different social contexts can experience and fulfill the need to belong through effervescent assembly and parasocial relationships.

Jessica Canning, B.S.